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Did you know...? The Operational Delivery Profession

Colleagues standing in an office, smiling and speaking to each other

The Operational Delivery Profession (ODP) is the Civil Service’s largest profession, with its members making up over half of the Civil Service workforce. They provide services to millions of citizens at home and abroad. It’s likely that you’ll find ODP …

A Modern Civil Service hub is now live!

We’re delighted to announce our new A Modern Civil Service hub launched on 20 May 2024, thanks to an amazing collaborative effort across government. As part of building a skilled, innovative and ambitious Civil Service, we’ve launched a brand new …

Meet the Modern Civil Service: Neil Couling

Neil Couling, DWP Change and Resilience Director General and Senior Responsible Owner Universal Credit,  spoke with Deepa Thomas-Sutcliffe from the Modernisation and Reform Unit about what A Modern Civil Service means to him, as well as how he sees reform …

Delivery mission book club: great reads to boost your productivity

A wooden owl reading a book

Over the last month we have been focusing on the topic of what it means to be an ambitious civil servant, and how programmes across departments are helping us deliver outstanding service to the public. In our recent newsletter, we …

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games - delivering the highest quality global events with big local impact

Ozzy the bull at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Guest blog by Sam Lister, Director General at DCMS When thinking about the different kinds of jobs civil servants do, you might be surprised that these include organising a major international sporting event. An evaluation report published in April marked …

How challenge-driven innovation is helping Defence identify and solve problems

Designed as a Laser Directed Energy Weapon to demonstrate the potential for future weapons systems, using high powered laser beams to acquire, track, target and destroy relevant targets. A briefing took place at Wellington Barracks in London today (17 July 2023), showcasing the latest Science & Technology work underway within Defence. This formed part of the British Army Expo London 2023 (Army Expo), taking place on the 18th until the 20th of July. The three day event will demonstrate to an audience of invited guests the value the Army brings both at home and overseas and will highlight how its mobilisation and modernisation programme is progressing, as well as outlining its vision for the future.

A guest blog by Stuart Laws, Portfolio and Outreach Assistant Head, Defence Innovation Unit. Innovation is the lifeblood of change, but how can it be harnessed effectively within government departments? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of challenge-driven …

Harnessing the power of local statistics with ONS

UK Statistics Authority building

A guest blog from ONS. We all know that working out what's actually happening on the ground can be difficult. Linking national data to where people live and work is often a challenge for many civil servants, especially when you’re …

A Skilled Civil Service: the Policy Profession

Policy profession showcase in the South West

A guest blog by Toyin Owolabi, Policy Profession HR Business Partner Civil Service policy professionals live and work in locations all across the UK. Some are based in cities, others in more rural areas. Regardless of location, they live alongside …

One Big Thing: data upskilling for all civil servants

Civil servants at a training event

One Big Thing is a new annual initiative for civil servants to take shared action each year around a reform priority. The focus for 2023 is data upskilling, with all civil servants undertaking a day’s worth of data training this Autumn.