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Harnessing the power of local statistics with ONS

UK Statistics Authority building

A guest blog from ONS. We all know that working out what's actually happening on the ground can be difficult. Linking national data to where people live and work is often a challenge for many civil servants, especially when you’re …

Embedding a culture of innovation

A trio of civil servants at a sprint event.

In our previous article Building an Innovative Civil Service we talked about how innovation is fundamental to continually deliver value to the public. Innovation can be abstract and we want to highlight how important culture is in fostering psychological safety …

How the MOD is creating Psychologically Safe environments to enable project success

Three soldiers on a dark beach

Evidence shows psychologically safe teams are more productive, innovative, and better at exposing and managing risk. Psychological Safety is a key enabler in building an innovative culture, high-performing teams, and promotes testing new ideas, whether they are successful or not. …

Project Simplify: Keeping it simple

Project Simplify supports an Innovative Civil Service which is focused on rewarding and encouraging our staff to find innovative solutions to problems in order to deliver better outcomes for the public. Since the Machinery of Government change to create the …

One Big Thing: data upskilling for all civil servants

Civil servants at a training event

One Big Thing is a new annual initiative for civil servants to take shared action each year around a reform priority. The focus for 2023 is data upskilling, with all civil servants undertaking a day’s worth of data training this Autumn. 

Delivering government innovation with Evidence House

Evidence House logo

Led by the 10 Downing Street Data Science team, Evidence House is a new initiative that aims to radically upskill civil servants in data science, development and AI whilst delivering fresh insights and innovative solutions to government problems.